Artificial Intelligence, AI, Employment, Employment Decisions, HR, Hiring Tips

Using AI in Employment Decisions: Benefits and Risks

Organizations are increasingly utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) in employment-related decisions. According to the Society for Human Resources Management, around 25% of organizations use AI for HR processes such as recruitment, …

Career Ladder, Employee Growth, Employee Retention, Employee Attraction, HR Strategy

The Importance of Career Ladders

Providing a transparent framework for employee opportunities can make organizations more appealing to prospective hires and help retain existing employees. Career ladders are one way for employers to provide a …

Neurodivergent Workplace, Neurodivergent-Friendly, Neurdiverse, Neurodiverse Employees

How to Create a Neurodivergent-Friendly Workplace

The concept of neurodiversity isn’t new, but it’s been gaining mainstream traction in recent years. In 1998, Australian sociologist Judy Singer coined the term “neurodiversity” to recognize that everyone’s brain …

Tips for Keeping Company Data Safe

In an age where we hear of data breaches regularly, it becomes a challenge for business owners and managers to safeguard their customer and employee data. While some data breaches …